Home Culture & Style The benefits of a relaxed social space

The benefits of a relaxed social space

The benefits of a relaxed social space

Offices of today are moving away from the more traditional and rigid split between the office being purely for work, and the home being purely for relaxation.

Companies are realising the positive effects that come with making your employees feel welcome, relaxed, and happy about being in work.  With 11.7 million working days lost in 2015 due to anxiety, stress, or depression, can you afford to risk the health and productivity of your staff? Office design experts Penketh Group highlight some of the ways a relaxed social space can improve your office environment.

relaxed social space


A relaxed social space doesn’t just have to be for your employee’s benefit alone. Overly stiff and formal meeting rooms can make some people a little nervous, so put them at ease by using your newly decorated social space as a visually-refreshing meeting space too.

Your staff may discuss with you more openly in a meeting, while in interviews for example, your potential candidates will feel more at ease, allowing their personality to shine through and give you a detailed impression of their suitability for you.

Multipurpose spaces and relaxed spaces are perfect for collaboration, helping staff to relax and share ideas more effectively can lead to more effect work being produced and projects running more smoothly due to easier communication.

Improve morale and productivity

Employees who feel unmotivated or bored at work will be less productive; less productive employees lead to a slower working pace. Make your employees want to work hard by providing a social space visually distinct from their work space.

Having a sense of binary opposition between work and relaxation allows your employees to “switch off” temporarily, even while still in the office. Providing a separate space for relaxation ensures your employees return to the office refreshed and re-motivated.

Making your office an enjoyable workspace is a simple way to encourage staff to want to work for you – to have them feel a part of the business and want it to succeed.

Make a statement

A good idea to consider in the design stages is where your social space could be. Wherever possible, make this area one that any clients or prospective clients passing through are essentially guaranteed to see. What better way to make a lasting impression than a bold and unique design that separates you from your competitors?

Providing a relaxed social space will drastically improve your office environment, be that in terms of making a statement about your business to visitors or providing an area for staff to relax or collaborate.

Getting that space right, in terms of how it is used and what it contains can reap huge rewards for a business.