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Britain FM will Visit Moscow Next Week

Britain FM will Visit Moscow Next Week

British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson will visit Russian in upcoming week. It will be ever first such kind of visit for last five years. Britain has differences with Russia upon Ukraine and Syria issues and annexation of Crimea 2014, along with other issues like support of Syrian President Bashar-ul-Asad in Syria.

Britain FM will Visit Moscow Next Week

Sergei Lavrov Foreign Minister of Russia has invited his counterpart Britain Foreign Minister Boris Johnson. Boris has accepted this invitation and it is expected that in this visit Boris will try to deal with differences with Russia. According to spokesperson, Meeting will be focused on the UK-Russia relationship and current international issues including Syria and Ukraine, where they continue to have significant differences. This is not a return to business as usual and the Foreign Secretary will continue to be robust on those issues where we differ.” On the other side, British Government said that, “Clear that the UK will engage with Russia where it is in our national interest to do so”.