Have you been fighting a lot more with your significant other lately? Has it gotten to a point where it seems as though you know everything there is to know about them? Has jealousy perhaps settled in and you’ve even had to do a reverse phone number search? Don’t worry, as all of these things are perfectly normal. All couples struggle with a stale relationship at one point or another. And yes, we do mean absolutely all of them. A great relationship is more than just that passion you have for each other in the early “honeymoon” stages where everything is perfect. A real relationship is hard work and respect first and foremost. That being said, here are five ways you can reignite that fire again.
- Find new stuff you can do together
Even if both you and your partner are extremely adventure-driven, chances are there are a million things you haven’t done together yet. Try to find new ways and activities which will mimic the moments when you first started dating. Research shows that doing novel activities which are new to both of you will cause you to bond even more and reignite some of that long lost magic.
- Sprinkle in some mystery
The reason relationships get stale is because there’s nothing new happening. You both know each other extremely well and nothing surprises you anymore. Well, why not actually try something your partner wouldn’t expect in a million years? Show up in their workplace with a flower, surprise them with a romantic evening picking at the park, or it can even be something as simple as sending them a romantic greeting card. It doesn’t have to be a trip to the Bahamas, as they’ll appreciate the gesture more than anything.
- Add some excitement to the relationship
Your heart was probably racing and your mind was all over the place the first few times you went out. Recreate that feeling by introducing some excitement and adrenaline activities you can do together. Difficult hikes and challenging mountain bike trails are just two ways you can accomplish that, but so are rollercoaster rides and parachuting. The idea is to get that adrenaline kick you did when you first started dating by doing something else, but your brain will associate the activity with your significant other this time.
- Take a vacation
It doesn’t have to be a big vacation, even a two-day getaway is fine. Find the time to just relax and be with each other for a few days. You don’t have to spend a ton of money or stay away for weeks on end from home. If you find this method genuinely helps the both of you, rinse and repeat every couple of months (or weeks if possible).
It’s vital that you find ways to reignite a relationship if you want it to work. It doesn’t matter how much you love each other, as all relationships get stale after a certain time. It’s how devoted the both of you are to making it work that will determine how far you go.