I actually know several people who have never had that serious an injury. They’ve never broken a bone or severely pulled a muscle. I once thought that it would have happened to pretty much anyone past a certain age. But it turns out that some people have managed to go through life without getting injured.
Well, anyone who has been injured enough for it to disrupt their lives knows how difficult a time it can be. Sure, there’s the pain to consider. In fact, that’s what most people are afraid of when it comes to the potential of injury. But, really, it’s not even the half of it. There are several complications that come with being injured. People who haven’t had such an injury may be underestimating the issue.
Here are some things you need to consider.
Don’t ignore it!
An alarming number of people will try to ignore an injury. After all, isn’t ignorance bliss? Well, in this case, willed ignorance is just going to prolong the pain you’re in. That doesn’t sound very blissful. Why would anyone ignore an injury, though? It depends. If the injury would prevent them from doing their job or engaging in a favorite hobby, then that’s a fairly obvious reason. In the case of it preventing you from doing your job, it’s certainly one a lot of people could sympathise with. No-one wants to lose out on money, after all.
But you need to think about your long-term physical health. Let’s say you’re into sports, for example. Ignoring an injury and continuing to play without downtime means you’ll just make the injury worse. Possibly to the point of not being able to play properly at all, eventually.
The legalities
So how were you injured? If you know the specific cause and it happened very recently, you might be in a good position to take legal action. After all, this is probably going to see you out of action for a while. (Whatever ‘action’ that may be.) It could cause you financial worries as well as psychological stress. And, of course, it’s already causing you physical pain.
While it sounds like a lot to deal with, you may want to look into hiring a personal injury attorney. If the injury wasn’t your fault, then you may be eligible for compensation. It’s not going to make all your problems go away, of course. But something is better than nothing.
Dealing with downtime
This is the thing that causes a lot of people the most problems. You’d think the downtime from work might have been the“silver lining to the cloud. But it’s never quite as fun as people think it’s going to be. After all, if you’re not on a fixed salary then you’re going to be losing income.
See if there are any arrangements you can make to work from home temporarily. If you’re more concerned about a hobby you can no longer do, you should find something else to do. Make sure you still see other people and engage in other hobbies. If you spend time at home in physical pain and not keeping your mind busy, you could end up with depression problems.