Home Home Improvement 5 Ways to Protect Your Garden in the Winter Months

5 Ways to Protect Your Garden in the Winter Months

5 Ways to Protect Your Garden in the Winter Months

Winter is coming, and it can be devastating to your garden. Here are a few ways to protect your plants during the colder months.


  1. Know When To Plant: Certain plants will not succeed during the winter months, while others should actually be planted during the fall to bloom during the spring. You can use your weather app, Android and iPhone have several that you can download, to figure out when the ground will be optimal for planting, so that you can plant before the really chilly weather rolls in.
  2. Watering Your Plants: As with planting, you should find the optimal time to water your plants with your weather app. Android and iPhone apps can alert you when rain is coming, so that you can skip watering the plants. They will also alert you to upcoming drops in temperature, so that you know to give your plants extra water before the ground freezes.
  3. Benefits Of Snow: Snow can actually be great for insulating your plants during the winter months—much like a blanket. You can add mulch to ensure that your plants get enough nutrients while they are covered in snow. However, keep in mind that snow can weigh down saplings and break branches. Local radar weather apps will let you know when you need to do a bit of snow sweeping from the smaller plants in your garden.
  4. Build A Barrier: Certain plants, including small trees, need a barrier before the heavy snow falls. The type of barrier you build may depend on the specific plant that you wish to protect, but you can find plenty of information with a bit of research on that species.
  5. Avoid Rodents: In addition to protecting your plants and providing nutrients, a good barrier and some mulch will prevent your plants from becoming home to rodents. An infestation can seriously damage, if not, kill your plant.

Taking care of your garden during the winter can be easy with a bit of preparation, and a good handle on the weather.