Home Money Top Property Owners Share Investing Tips For 2015

Top Property Owners Share Investing Tips For 2015


Interest rates on savings are at an all-time low. They have been for quite some time now so you might be looking for other ways to invest your hard earned cash. Perhaps are are already starting to think about getting involved in shares or even forex trading. Be wary though because both of these investment routes are filled with pitfalls. You might instead then, be considering investing your substantial earnings into a property. Now, this route also has pitfalls you need to watch out for but we’ve been speaking to the experts. Top property owners who are looking to share their secrets with you. They’ve given us this advice to pass on.



One Property Is Enough To Begin With

When you start to invest in property, you are taking on the responsibility of the landowner. That means if anything goes wrong with the property while you own it, you need to solve it. This, they tell us, is not difficult to do, as long as you plan ahead. You need a substantial amount of money separate from what you use to by the property. Keep this tucked away in the event of issues arising such as emergency repairs. Also, be smart and limit the risk by only buying one property to begin. This will be more than enough to keep you occupied and introduces you into the market gently. You will still have the chance to make a good deal of profit that you can use to buy more property.

Know The Layout Of The Two Routes Ahead

There are two possible directions that you can take when investing in property. The first is buying to let and the second is property flipping. If you buy to let, you are permanently taking on the responsibilities of the landlord. You will have tenants, and it will be up to you to ensure their home is a safe, quality place to live. You’ll also have to deal with any issues they have with the property that arise while they are living there. Being a landlord is like having a second job. You will not have a lot of spare time, and it will take quite a deal of effort. But many property owners have great success on this route. The trick is finding the right tenants. Reading between the lines the owners were suggesting smart people will let properties to students.

The second possibility is property flipping. Essentially, you wait until the market is down and then buy a property for a lot less than it’s worth. Then you spend a couple thousand dressing it up to make it look more expensive. After that, you sell the house on when the market is healthy for a substantial profit. It sounds easy but there can be complications, and when you are doing this, it’s always a good idea to get legal advice. The investors told us they used Armstrong & Surin lawyers. They effectively dealt with several disputes that occurred while they were selling real estate to a buyer.

Patience Is A Virtue

Finally, when selling a property, they advise potential investors do not give up when things seem tough. The property market rises and falls many times in a year. Don’t be so hasty to try and get out when the right deal on a property you own could be just around the corner.