Home News Fire Breaks Out On 50th Floor Of Skyscraper

Fire Breaks Out On 50th Floor Of Skyscraper

Fire Breaks Out On 50th Floor Of Skyscraper

Five people were injured when a fire broke out about halfway up one of Chicago’s tallest skyscrapers, firefighters have said.

Fire Breaks Out On 50th Floor

The blaze broke out on the east side of the 100-storey John Hancock CenterĀ in the downtown area of the city on Saturday afternoon.

Flames were coming from a window on the 50th floor as thick smoke obscured views of the upper floors.

The fire began in a bedroom and spread through the rest of the apartment, but it was quickly brought under control by firefighters, the Chicago Fire Department said.

Firefighters conducted floor-by-floor searches to ensure people were safe and residents were advised to stay put.

Two of the injured were said to be “in good condition” while the other three were “stable”.

The Hancock building, a landmark in Chicago, has apartments on most of the upper half floors and an observatory popular with tourists for its views of the city and Lake Michigan.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.