Saturday, October 19, 2024

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar? If You Have 1 or More of These Symptoms,

Are you eating too much sugar? Though the recommended daily amount of added sugar tops out at 25 grams (six teaspoons) for women, your...
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US Offened Israel By Voted For Western Wall As “Occupied Terroritory”

United nation has been defying extraordinary pressure from President-elect Donald J. Trump and furious lobbying by Israel, the Obama administration on Friday allowed the...

Deploying of Legal Authority Last-Minute

President Barack Obama, as his tenure draws to a close, is deploying his legal authority in a last-minute bid to cement the areas of...

Michelle Obama Stands on “Angry Black Woman”

The "angry black woman" label that Michelle Obama has been tagged with by some is a caricature rooted in other people's fears, the first...

Confirmed chances of Trump’s Triumph

Most likely, it’s expected that chances are confirmed about Trumps triumph. It’s expected that US electoral college on Monday to officially select Trump as...

Possible Ways If Electoral College goes Rogue

None of the electors are constitutionally bound to follow the will of the people they represent, and so in this bizarre election (and post-election)...

Aliens Signal HD164595 Star’s Planet Fact Or Fib..

Aliens Signal HD164595 Star's Planet known as HD164595 B received. Planet HD164595 aliens are broadcasting signal, fact or a fib? The astronomer caught a...

Sony Xperia X Compact & Sony Xperia XR to Release In September

Sony Xperia X Compact and Sony Xperia XR (XZ) are likely to release in the upcoming month of the September 2016. A tweet from...

Airlander 10 Crash On Its Second Test Flight

Airlander 10 crash which is a part of a plane, part of a helicopter as well in the context of an airship this Airlander...

Earth like planet discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri

Earth like planet discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri. Scientists announced on Wednesday that they had detected an Earth like planet orbiting our nearest star Proxima...


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