Thursday, October 24, 2024

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar? If You Have 1 or More of These Symptoms,

Are you eating too much sugar? Though the recommended daily amount of added sugar tops out at 25 grams (six teaspoons) for women, your...

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How To Comfort Babies

It would be a rather big miracle to hear a baby tell you what they want. Because babies can’t speak, their unique way to get attention is crying. The baby is probably feeling some discomfort somewhere to which it is trying to draw your attention. It’s highly essential that you do anything in your capability to comfort your crying little one.

How To Comfort Babies

The first reasonable step to halting your tot’s fuss is finding why those adorable eyes are teary. If your little one is experiencing some discomfort, feeding them will not stop the flow of tears. If hunger is the case, it won’t help to continue to pat their back or sing them a lullaby quietly. To help ease your stress and give you time to do other important things, we bring you reasons babies cry, and how you can comfort them.

This is probably the first thing that comes to the mind of most nursing mothers and caregivers, even though it’s not always the case. Quickly learning to detect the hunger signs your baby shows will help you know if she is crying for this reason. Some signs to watch out for include lip smacking, fussing, putting their hands to the mouth, and rooting, which is a reflex that makes babies turn their head toward your side when you’re stroking their cheek.

  • Tummy Problems Due To Colic and Gas

Stomach problems stemming from gas and/or colic could be excruciating for your mini-me, thus leading them to cry more often. The condition referred to as colic is often described as inconsolable crying for at least three hours a day, three days a week, and three weeks in a row. Sometimes, your baby isn’t colicky but may be experiencing gas pain. If you think this is the case, it’s best to make your baby lie on her back, loosen the clothing around her tummy, and gently move her legs in a cycling manner. The pain should subside once your baby lets out some farts. Funny, right?

  • A Soiled Diaper

While some babies are quite comfortable with having a thoroughly soiled diaper, others will let you know immediately they start feeling uncomfortable in their diaper. Whichever category your baby falls into, it’s pertinent to know when to change their diaper to avoid discomfort.

  • Need for Sleep

You’d expect that tired babies should be able to shut their eyes and doze off but, sometimes, it could be difficult for them too. When this happens, they often resort to fussing and crying, mainly when they’re drained. You can help your little one nod off easily by holding them close, talking to them in a soft voice, letting out a ‘shhhhh’ sound, and singing them a lullaby.

  • Wants To Be Cuddled

Babies need a whole lot of cuddling; they want to be held, they like to see the faces of their parents or any other familiar face, hear their voices, and smell their unique scent. When your baby needs to do any of these, nothing in this world may suffice as an alternative – not even a toy or a rocker.

  • Weather Conditions

Babies like to be kept bundled up and warm, and while they might not cry over being too warm, they’ll cry a lot when they’re too cold. That’s often why your baby complains when you remove her clothes to bathe her or to change her diapers.

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