Under Cameron as prime minister, the majority of the British voted in favor of leaving the EU in June 2016.
Former British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned against leaving his country without an agreement. “That would be a disaster for our country,” he told television broadcaster Sky News on Wednesday. The next steps are to prevent such a no-deal-Brexit and to strive for an extension of the withdrawal period.
Despite the second vote defeat by Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday night, he remains behind the course of the head of government, said, Cameron. “I have always supported the Prime Minister and her attempts to have a close partnership deal, and she continues to have my support, which is the right thing to do.”
Under Cameron as prime minister, the majority of the British voted in favor of leaving the EU in June 2016. For many in Europe, the vote had come at that time surprising. Cameron had been against Brexit and resigned after the referendum. His successor was May.