Saturday, July 27, 2024

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar? If You Have 1 or More of These Symptoms,

Are you eating too much sugar? Though the recommended daily amount of added sugar tops out at 25 grams (six teaspoons) for women, your...
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Theresa May

Brexit: PM Under Fire Over New Brexit Plan

Theresa May will make the case for her new Brexit plan in Parliament later, amid signs that Conservative opposition to her leadership is hardening. The...

David Cameron: Brexit Without Agreement Would Be “Disaster”

Under Cameron as prime minister, the majority of the British voted in favor of leaving the EU in June 2016. Former British Prime Minister David...

Syria Air Strikes: Theresa May Faces Mps’ Questions

Theresa May is to face MPs' questions about her decision to authorise air strikes against the Syrian government. Opposition parties say MPs should have been...

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