Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar? If You Have 1 or More of These Symptoms,

Are you eating too much sugar? Though the recommended daily amount of added sugar tops out at 25 grams (six teaspoons) for women, your...
Home Politics


Russian Aircraft With 99 Soldiers Land In Venezuela

In the current power struggle in Venezuela, Moscow is behind the controversial head of state Nicolás Maduro. The US and about 50 other states...

Brexit: Theresa May To Formally Ask For Delay

Prime Minister Theresa May is writing to the EU to formally ask for Brexit to be postponed. EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said the EU...

Russia Wants To Station Atomic Bomb In Crimea

In response to the deployment of US missile defense systems in Romania, Russia intends to station bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons on the...

David Cameron: Brexit Without Agreement Would Be “Disaster”

Under Cameron as prime minister, the majority of the British voted in favor of leaving the EU in June 2016. Former British Prime Minister David...

Venezuela Detained MEP’s From Entry

EPP politicians are accused of "conspiratorial motives" for wanting to meet Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó. On Sunday, Venezuela banned entry to a group of...

Donald Trump: “Work Longer Than Almost All Presidents In Front Of Me”

US President Donald Trump defends himself against allegations that he work too little after his calendar leaked out. The "executive time" is no free...

Trump Signals National Emergency Is On His Mind As Budget Talks Stall

President Trump signaled Sunday that declaring a national emergency to circumvent Congress and build a southern border wall remains an option for him after...

Trump Says Shutdown Deal ‘In No Way A Concession’

President Trump told his supporters that he was not caving to Democrats on his promised border wall after he agreed to end the partial...

Trump Campaign Pushes Forward While Shutdown Drags On

One month since the start of the shutdown, the Trump 2020 campaign is chugging ahead with staffing and organization -- and even fundraised off...


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