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Iran is Ready to Answer President Trump upon Missile test

Iran is Ready to Answer President Trump upon Missile test

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei turns down United States President’s statement to curb its missile tests. Since Trump’s inauguration, it was his 1st speech, Iran’s Supreme Leader called on Iranians to answer to President Trump’s statement on 10th of February, on anniversary of 1979 Iranian’s revolution.

Iran is Ready to Answer President Trump upon Missile test

He further said, “President Trump has tried his best to frighten us but all goes in vein. We are thankful to (Trump) for making our life easy as he showed the real face of America” – according to posted news on its website, he told this to military commanders while meeting in Tehran.
Whereas, Iranian Foreign Minister said that, President Trump would try to renegotiate, but we are not agreeing upon it and European countries will accept it too. While bashing U.S corruption, Iran’s top authority, its supreme leader further claims that, US. President had shown real face of US corruption. He added that President Trump had proven that what we have been claiming for more than 30 years. He expressed confidence that no enemy of Iran can paralyze our nation. We are not afraid of Trump, we are not afraid of any sanction, People of Iran will answer to US President Trump on 10th February.