President of United States of America, Mr Donald Trump on Wednesday held a meeting with few hundred police chiefs and sheriffs from major cities at in Washington.
While addressing them, he said that he doesn’t ever want to called courts biased, and he will not call court biased but courts seem to be so political. He expressed that, it’s a sad day for our country, I think our security is at risk now.
After ceasing temporary ban on entry of travelers form 7 mainly Muslims countries, President Trump begins to criticize federal judge and court for putting on due President’s executive orders.
At the meeting with law enforcement officials, President Trump read from the law he used to justify the travel ban, quoting it in fragments and sprinkling bits of interpretation in between. He said the law clearly allowed a president to suspend entry of any class of people if he determines would be a detriment to national security, as per reported in Reuters. President Trump further elaborate that, “A bad high school student would understand this, anybody would understand this.”
On Tuesday, a panel comprised on three0judge of the San Francisco-based 9th United Sates Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments on the administration’s challenge to a lower court.